Company Ewan Solutions
Let's work together 

Ewan Solutions is a rising Saudi company in the field of information technology, established in 2022 in Medina

Specializing in programming and designing accounting systems, programs and points of sale

The company produced the Nice Pro system for managing corporate resources using an advanced programming language
A unique, easy-to-try point-of-sale program

Our products are compatible with tax systems and electronic invoices

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Our distinguished customers

Advantages of choosing us

naturally! We are here at Ewan solutions company We believe that we are an excellent choice for you, and here are some features that may make us the perfect choice

A variety of integrated programs

Ewan offers a variety of programs that facilitate companies’ work financially and administratively. We have the Nice Pro system for managing corporate resources, which is several programs integrated with each other, such as the human resources management program, the inventory and sales management program, and others, and it is integrated with the accounts program.

Economic and cost

تعتبر البرامج المقدمة بسيطة وسهلة وتتناسب مع احجام الشركات ومتطلباتها وبتكلفة منخفظة مقارنة بما توفره من وقت وجهد وكذلك سهولة متابعة العمليات والنتائج بتقارير شاملة.


Ewan allows you to customize cloud or local software according to your company's unique needs. No matter the size or industry of your company, you can adjust the software to fit your internal strategies and processes.

Researchers andDevelopers, consultants and engineers They work with professional competence and ethical commitment to meet the needs of our customers, and we are proud of their innovations and services 


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ادارة وتسويق

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